Going to fight

The following evening—CT Corporation. 

"President, there is a message for you from Mr. Blake," Ash reported with an expressionless face, even though she was irked to the core. She would never forget this man who had almost made her life difficult simply because he wanted to. 

Her only consolation was that her boss did not like him either. Shera was annoyed when she looked up from her documents. "What does that spoilt brat want from CT Corporation this time? Does he want me to teach him a lesson?" 

"He proposed a permanent collaboration between Chiq Entertainment and CT Corporation. He also stated that if you were interested, you should give him a day, and he would come over to discuss the details." 

She wanted to roll her eyes. "Forget about him. The young man is undergoing emotional instability. I know what he truly wants, but he would never get it by collaborating with CT Corporation, and I do not have time to entertain him so you can forget about it."