I love you too, Leo(1)

Shera gently wrapped her fingers around the man's hand. His body jolted in shock, and he looked at the hand in his grasp. 

Was that an illusion? Did her fingers just move? 

He robotically raised his head but didn't dare to look at the bed, afraid that he would find himself dreaming. 

After gathering enough courage, he robotically turned, and that was when their gazes collided. She was blinking her blue eyes slowly, and her lips seemed to curl at the corners slightly. 

His first reaction was to squeeze his eyes shut and shake his head rapidly. When he opened them again, he found that she was staring at him, amused by his actions. 

"I must be dreaming. Did I knock my head into something?" He mumbled audibly. "I'm seeing things." 

It must be because he was so desperate for her to wake up that he was starting to have hallucinations.