So annoying

"You didn't?" Leo asked when he saw how puzzled she looked. 

She shook her head. "My phone is still in my purse—in the darned limousine." As soon as the words were out, she figured out what must have happened and clicked her tongue. "That idiot has gone too far." 

From her words, he understood that one of the bodyguards must have used her phone to send him the message. Which made him regard her with a frown. "Why don't you have a password lock on your phone?" 

"Password? Do you think that kind of thing makes any difference to Santino and his team?" She laughed. 

His frown deepened. Why was this Santino so annoying, and why was his name so familiar? In fact, the custom suits worn by his men were more or less familiar too. But that was not important for now. What was more important was, "If he meant to attack you, why would he help you call for help?"