Help by stabbing in the heart

Shera's study. 

Soon after she got back from Declan Mansion, Alexa sought her out. 

When she arrived, she saw that Shera was sitting with her back facing the door, and the humongous monitor on the wall in front of her had a name on it; Purple. An audio file was playing. 

When Alexa understood what was happening, she sucked in a breath, restraining the urge to curse Shera out. 

"You do spy on people's conversations. What are you, a pervert?" 

Shera swung on her chair to turn and face the riled up Alexa. "Probably." 

Alexa walked forward and shoved the black bracelet into Shera's hand. "I deserve an explanation, don't you think?" 

She thought that Shera would call her out for thinking they were on the same level. Instead, the latter played with the bracelet in her hand. "I'm the one who deserves an explanation, don't you think?" 

Alexa was flabbergasted. "First, you invade my privacy and now you want an explanation?" Was she crazy?