Nonexistent love

"Why?" She had said it several times already, but there was no way he was going to agree without concrete reasons. 

She knew this but she was in no position to explain anything at the moment. Hence she could only sigh. "Whether I tell you the reason or not, it will ot change a thing so why not save both of us the time? You can use that time to start moving on and I will use it to do something important." 

"You think I'm not of any importance?" He was irked. 

"What makes you think you could possess the least importance?" She scoffed. 

He was about to let go for the sake of not making things difficult for her but when he heard her words, he grabbed her chin. "Look at me!" he ordered. 

"Let go of me!" She reflexively pulled away from him, but he grabbed her hand. 

"Look at me in the eye, Alexa, and tell me that you feel nothing for me."