Magical eyesight

From his gaze, it was unclear whether it was the ice cream or her that he thought was yummy. The answer became clear when he licked and sucked on her earlobe. 

"What the…" Alexa was so shocked that the words came out as a gasp. That was unexpected, but even more shocking was the realization that she didn't dislike it. The man seemed to know this, as he became even bolder and nibbled on her ear. 

Before she could react to that, he pulled away but his gaze remained fixated on her. "Can I hug you?" 

"Uhm…" Her heart palpitated with surprise. Did men usually ask for permission before hugging? She didn't know the answer to that, but all she knew was that she wanted to hug him too, so she slowly nodded. 

He pulled her into his arms and pressed her body against his in a tight embrace. She took in his cool scent and wanted to stay in his arms for much longer, but when she felt him pulling away, she pulled away as well, not daring to be the one to cling to him.