One more step and she's dead

"Do you have a pen?" Shera asked when she realized that she had forgotten to bring one. 

Luckily, Amanda had carried her tablet and stylus, so she took them out and gave them to her. "Will this do?" 

"Yes." Shera took it and started hurriedly drawing what looked like a map. 

She slotted the stylus back into its place when she was done and showed what she had drawn to them. "This is the security plan based on my memory. The circles are the bodyguards' spots while the arrows are the surveillance cameras." 

Leo scanned it and tried to memorize it in as little time as possible. 

On the other hand, Amanda took a look and couldn't help asking, "How long ago did you see this? What if he changed the plan recently?" 

"Don't jinx it." Shera was helpless. That possibility could not be expelled. She was only riding on luck, based on the fact that the plan was irregular and complicated. The man must be confident that no one could remember it.