Heda, Fate's Champion

Back in Boligne, a red haired girl was in a carriage headed toward Arinte, a flowery hamlet near the borders to Runemecia. She sat near a man clad in black robes. His long black hair fell over his shoulders. On the trim of his long sleeves, runes in a foreign language were sewn in golden threads.

"Are you ready for this, my lady?" the man asked.

"Ready as I can ever be Stefan," the girl calmly said. "And call me by my name, would you? It's Heda in case you forgot."

Her bottle green eyes slowly settled on the man, asking him for ascertion. He shuddered. Even for the great Stefan, Heda had an exceptionally dark power. He met her eyes and revealed a nervous smile.

"Heda," he said then bowed his head.

"Wasn't difficult," she said. "Was it?"