Pool of Life

Now I know what you'll bloody tell me. How dare I use a spell in this honest fight?

I'll tell you this, I panicked.

I didn't want the baroness to finish me. I pulled back my attacks and I regreted it. Besides, this woman irritated me. I did not like her continuous jeers and sneers. I did not like how she provoked me. And most of all, I did not like how I underestimated her.

I ran for the sword as the internal clock in my head ticked. The world around me lay still, save for the beating of my heart. Elsa's eyes shone in a malevolent way as she prepared to finish me. I could afford a short stop though. I stopped before her and shot her a mocking grin. Her eyes were focused on the place I was standing on before.

"We'll soon see who'll be grinning next," I said, knowing full well she wouldn't answer me.