Is It Madness? Or Is It Monstrous Determination

Miles south of Rolar, there is a mansion that belongs to the leader of the underworld branch, Lord Fitzel Flugel. Theolonius Stalwart sat in the dining room, awaiting his host. He was wearing a simple gray three piece suit with shiny, polished black shoes. On his right hand, he had a ring that bore his family sigil, a coiled snake with gigantic wings.

"Supreme Leader," Fitzel Flugel burst into the room with a wide smile. He was wearing a black suit with a red cravat. He was a tall man with blond hair. His black dreamy eyes made him look like someone who's always in a good mood. They looked troubled nonetheless, as Flugel's smile didn't reflect on his eyes.

"I didn't know you'd visit," he went on. "I would have prepared a feast that befits your status."

"I thought I told you to stay clear of the business in Merinsk," Stalwart said, fidgeting with his ring.