The Power Of Time

Perhaps I should have taken Abrath's offer and left Raiya behind. I would have been outside, enjoying a warm meal and Elsa's company. I would have been taking pleasure in torturing Bodrick to death, in getting him to spill the beans. Instead, I chose to be chivalrous. I chose to help the witch.

The light at the end of the tunnel was about two hundred feet ahead. Raiya weighed heavily on my shoulder. She had grown paler than ever. Her heartbeat was so faint I could barely feel it even when I pressed my ear against her chest. I was sweating all over. My sword started feeling heavy on my right arm, while Raiya's weight almost crushed my left shoulder.

All of this would have been fine and dandy if it weren't for the freaking bats chasing me. They had small leathery wings that couldn't transport them in the air for long. At least that was a point I could take advantage of. The downside was that they were fast, too fast for normal eyes to follow.