Fort Mercer

Deep under Fort Mercer, there was an old dungeon built to keep political prisoners. The entire fortress was built for the purpose of a war that broke long ago between Biarkh and Aslanor. During that time, kings ruled by fear and torture. Those who spoke against them met the worst fates.

After Theolonius Stalwart intervened to stop the war that ravaged both lands for years on end, the new king of Biarkh gifted him some lands and an honorary title. One of the lands Stalwart won was near Merinsk, precisely where Fort Mercer was built.

Two miles south of the Fort, there was a small village of eight hundred inhabitants. They were all serfs following their lord's every command. Stalwart had made sure to keep them well fed and loyal. No living soul in the village would speak a word of what happens in the fort, not that they were afraid, but because Stalwart had been a good and generous lord to them.