
Later that evening, Zedd was busy preparing the small council chambers in his personal quarters at the inner keep when he heard someone knock at the door. 

"You don't have to knock, you know," he said. "I already sensed you coming since you landed an hour ago."

A tall, beautiful young woman got in. She was wearing a steel cuirass over brown leather armor. When she removed her helm, long auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders and all the way to her waist. Her olive skin, coupled with her flustered cheekbones made her look radiant, full of life. She smiled, and her eyes shone. 

"You finally gave me a mission worth my time," she said. "I hate sitting around, observing boring people go about their boring lives." 

Zedd returned her smile. "Good to see you still enjoy wars," he said. "How was your trip here Audrey?" 

"Your new friend's a handful, but nothing I can't handle," she said. "How was yours?"