Ulmir's Dead Domain

Omega and I were sitting underneath a tall tree. Ulmir's Domain was as harsh as the surviving hunters used to tell us. There was no drinking water, and no edibles around, not for mortals like me anyway. Omega observed me with amused eyes. He had this grin plastered on his face ever since we arrived. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Thousands of monsters live in this dead domain," he said. 

I frowned, and he chuckled lightly. "Ask away," he said. 

"What's a dead domain?" I asked. 

"It's the land of a dead god," Omega replied. "Ulmir died long ago. I watched him breathe his last." 

So the gods I scoffed at existed all along! What's worse, Ulmir, the god millions of people in Kozag worship, has been dead for a long time. I tittered. Omega tilted his head to the side and stared at me inquisitively. 

"How did he die?" I asked.