Myles Returns

Three moons orbit Hera in regular intervals. The Azure Moon announces the beginning of the cycle. It's the year of rain and ample harvest. The Red Moon would follow, announcing heat and a long summer. The Blond Moon announces the end of the cycle. This one doesn't affect the climate as much as it affects people's minds.

More wars break during the Blond Moon. Monsters become more aggressive, and prone to attacking human settlements. People usually look forward to the end of the cycle and the coming of the Azure Moon. Yet, when the moons complete twenty seven cycles, eighty one years to be exact, people start fearing the coming of greater peril.

As the Blond Moon vanished after Stalwart's war, fear seeped into people's hearts. The old began speaking of forgotten legends, about the Holi Wars and the Eternal Moon. The events that shook Biarkh and its neighboring countries alarmed them to the threat of another devastating war to come.