Lady Chen and Madam Liu teased Chen Lihua till she stood up to leave.

"Mum you're too much, how can you ask me this kind of question?". Chen Lihua frowned. 

Madam Liu smiled more as she said, "Lihua, there's no need to be shy about it. Your mother and I are experienced in that aspect.

And I just want to know so that I can advice Longwei well enough".

Chen Lihua pouted a little to look at her mother-in-law, and then she glanced at her mother as if to see if they were deceiving her. 

She gave up as she couldn't tell a thing from their facial expressions, so she answered them quickly, "Well we kissed".

Hearing the expected answer, the two women giggled like children and gave each other a high five. 

As she looked at the way they two women behaved after hearing her response, Chen Lihua felt so ashamed that she felt like disappearing immediately. 

At this point, Madam Liu spoke confidently, "I knew that there was nothing wrong with my son. But I didn't expect him to already pounce on Chen Lihua, someone he just met".

Lady Chen laughed as she answered, "There's nothing wrong with that after all, they are husband and wife. So whether they are familiar or not, it's their business".

Madam Liu sighed softly as she said, "Whatever they do is their business. But my son has really surprised me as I can't believe he would be so fast when taking action".

After saying that they two women laughed heartily out of happiness and joy.

Chen Lihua just sat there with a flushed face as she listened to her mother and mother-in-law talk about her and Liu Longwei as if she wasn't even in their presence. 

Chen Lihua couldn't take the joke anymore, so she stood up with her bag as she excused herself. 

"Sorry for the interruption, but I have to leave now".

Hearing that she wanted to leave, the two women stopped joking and laughing. Now, they only had a smile on their faces. 

Lady Chen asked concernedly, "Why are you going back now, are you OK?".

"Yes am perfectly fine, I just want to go home and take a nap". Chen Lihua explained. 

Lady Chen and Madam Liu looked at each other and made an 'Oh' sound in unison before Lady Chen smiled and teased her one more time. 

"You're going home?". Lady Chen asked and Chen Lihua answered immediately without reading meaning into her question, "Yes".

"Which home are you going to, my house or...?". Lady Chen said as she dragged the 'or' without saying any other word after it. 

It was now that Chen Lihua understood what Lady Chen meant by that, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Am going home, to my husband's house".

This answer really made the two women smile and wink at each other.

Chen Lihua couldn't stand the teasing anymore, so she walked to the door.

When she was about turning the door handle to open the door, Lady Chen asked seriously, "Your mother-in-law and I will be meeting with our friends later, do you want to come along?".

"No". Chen Lihua answered without thinking twice before reaching for the door handle.

Seeing that she was not interested and was going to leave the next second, Lady Chen said again, "It's about you, I promised to explain to them when they asked me about your marriage, after they saw my post".

Chen Lihua released her grip from the door handle and turned around to face the two women as she sighed before answering, "Mum I really don't want to come along. The meeting is between you and your age mates, so how can I follow?. Do you want me to be ignored and be bored out of mind, or do you want me to be the center of attraction or topic of discussion and then my brain would explode?".

"Enough". Lady Chen said softly as she waved her hands before continuing, "At least give me a hug before leaving, or is it not allowed?".

Chen Lihua heaved a sigh as she didn't know what to do with Lady Chen anymore. But somewhere in her heart, she felt satisfied and so she smiled as she walked back to her mother. 

Seeing that she really agreed and came back to give her a hug, Lady Chen stood up happily.

As they mother and daughter duo hugged, Lady Chen pecked her on the cheek and Chen Lihua reciprocated with a peck as well. 

After all these, the mother and daughter released themselves from the hug with smiles on their faces.

Seeing that they were through with showing their affections, Madam Liu stood up and requested for a hug as well. 

Chen Lihua hugged her and pecked Madam Liu on the cheek because the latter pecked her, so she had to reciprocate. 

After Madam Liu released Chen Lihua from her embrace, she said happily, "Lihua don't be angry that we teased you. We only did that to ease the atmosphere and also to make you blush and feel happy".

Chen Lihua smiled as she listened to Madam Liu's explnation and nodded in understanding.

After hugging and pecking the ladies to their satisfaction, Chen Lihua said her goodbyes to them and left after blowing a kiss to them.