Mood Swings.

The servants didn't know what to do because their Mistress was doing their job, something they were being paid to do.

So they just listened to her, but dare not go out.

Everyone could see that the laundry room was well furnished with the right equipment.

So Chen Lihua immediately got busy with washing, using the washing machine.

An hour later, Liu Longwei came back home. He went upstairs to have a shower and a change of clothes. After that, he went into Chen Lihua's room to check up on her but didn't see her shadow.

So he went downstairs to ask about his wife, only to be told that she was in the laundry room.

He had a twisted expression and asked, "What is she doing there?"

"I don't know, she's been there for about an hour". 

When the housekeeper saw the deadpan expression of her master, she began to shiver and hurriedly added.

"Two maids accompanied her there".