The baby would have long disappeared by now.

Sending a spoon of the food into his mouth, he chewed on it and savoured the taste at the same time.

Seeing that big smile on his face as he ate the food, Chen Lihua smiled as well and asked happily, "Do you like the food?"

Liu Longwei nodded satisfactorily, "The food is delicious".

Chen Lihua smiled and started eating as well.

"Now, you've proved to me that you are a good cook". Liu Longwei said after he wiped his lips with the dinner napkin after eating.

Chen Lihua drank a little water from her glass and said with a big smile, "Of course, I can cook very well. I can cook different dishes from other countries as well. Sometimes, I make my own recipe".

"Thank you for the wonderful dinner". Liu Longwei said.

That night, the servants and the bodyguards all ate their fill because their mistress cooked enough for everyone, and that made them very happy.