Strip me off my clothes or give me a French kiss.

Chen Lihua rolled her eyes at him before standing up from the bed. She picked up the bags which contained the items that were bought for him before saying as she went into the dressing room, "follow me".

Liu Longwei happily followed her with his shirt and singlet in his arm.

Chen Lihua brought out the things from the bags as Liu Longwei stood behind her.

"Keep your dirty clothes in the laundry basket", Chen Lihua said pointing at the empty laundry basket in one corner of the room.

Carrying his toiletries, she went into the bathroom and arranged the things on a glass shelf.

"Do you want me to draw you a bath?" Chen Lihua asked as she suddenly turned to face the man that had been trailing behind her.

"No, but I need your help in another area", Liu Longwei said with a mischievous smile.