Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei move into their new home.

Old Lady Chen suddenly became lightheaded after she had physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted herself. Prompting Aunt Lin to call the servants to carry her into one of the rooms so she could have a good rest.

Back at Liu Longwei's Villa, Liu Longwei and Chen Lihua played a game of Chess and went for a drive in the evening.

Chen Lihua didn't know how to play the game, so Liu Longwei practically played on his own.

In the evening, they went out for an evening drive, just the two of them alone without the driver and bodyguards.

Liu Longwei took her on a spin in his Bugatti Chiron, and they enjoyed the beautiful nightlife together.

When they came back home from the drive, Chen Lihua was all smiling. A smile crept up on Liu Longwei's face when he saw his wife's beautiful smile and dimples, so he hugged her shoulder as they walked in.

"Did you enjoy the drive?" He asked.