Say your last prayers.

Liu Longwei stared at those her beautiful and fair boobs before subconsciously licking his lips. But when he was met with an angry glare from Chen Lihua, he recollected his thoughts before clearing his throat.

"Sweetheart, of course, I like your boobs a lot more than others because they are perky and upright. Yours is on a whole different level when compared to them," Liu Longwei responded with his eyes still fixed on her boobs.

Seeing where he was gazing at Chen Lihua suddenly dropped her clothes to cover her boobs that were previously on display.

'What a hooligan!" She muttered to herself.

She was a bit tempted to pinch his ears before dragging him around the house while calling him 'Shameless.' But she changed her mind as it would require a lot of energy from her to do that.

So she rolled her eyes at him and said, "So what you mean is that when my boobs sag, you won't like it anymore?".