Aunt Lin meets up with her ex.

Chen Lihua gave him a stare before saying to the waiter, "We are a bit uncomfortable with this place. Can you please take us to a quiet room?"

The waiter nodded with a smile before signaling another waiter to take them to a new room.

Now sitting in a quieter and reserved room, Chen Lihua asked Liu Longwei, "Why do you like to drink that bitter coffee? You always have a cup of coffee every morning."

Liu Longwei leaned in towards her and replied, "Because I like it", before leaning away with a smirk while watching her roll her eyes at him in resentment.

The same manner this young couple are dining, it's the same way Aunt Lin and her ex were eating together.

They two were in a room with a table between them while looking at each other in a staring contest.