Please do not come back here next time.

This was the first day after launching her clothing line, and she was so happy and couldn't wait to monitor the day's sales. But her happiness was cut short with this scene.

The old woman heard the sentence and discovered that the owner of the store had come. And this made her blurry mind to clear up. She just realized that she had caused a lot of trouble, but she still refused to admit it.

"So you are the owner of this lousy shop?" The old woman sneered at Chen Lin when she turned around. She sized her up from her feet to the crown of her head.

She had to admit that the young lady standing in front of her reeked of money because she was dressed inexpensively and stylish clothes.

"How dare you call my hard work, lousy? Since you called it lousy, why did you step into it to shop then?" Chen Lin asked in anger.

"I was blinded, and so came into it," The old woman retorted shamelessly.