Chen Lihua's ex arrives for her Wedding.

"What are you girls doing here?"

"We are just taking a breather," Chen Lihua responded.

Then the lady nodded as she handed Chen Lihua a glass before taking a seat.

Just then, one of Chen Lihua's foreign friends came over with shock written all over her face, as she stared at her phone.

"Lily...Lily!" She literally shouted as she half walked and half ran over.

"What are you screaming for?" Jennifer asked.

"What happened?" Chen Lihua asked without a look of worry. But the answer she would receive will bring shock and worry to her.

"George is here," She answered, but then broke out in a smile at Chen Lihua's twisted facial expression.

When Chen Lihua first heard that sentence, she spewed the cocktail she just drank out and started coughing because she choked a little on the drink.

Caro rubbed her back while asking, "Your ex is here?"

"There is nothing wrong with that, George is a good guy," Angel answered with a smile.