Wedding Day I: Getting ready

"Mom....," was the last thing Chen Lihua managed to say before the call ended.

She wanted to ask, 'Mom, you would walk me down the aisle tomorrow, right?' But too bad that Lady Chen ended the call before her question could come through.

"Why is she in such a hurry? Chen Lihua muttered under her breath while looking at the dark screen of her phone.

Then she remembered that she still had to call Liu Longwei, so she left her room and went into his room to stay for the night.

Immediately she pushed the door open to his room, his scent filled her nostrils. And this brought a smile to her face. She missed him terribly.

She lay on his bed and sniffed in his lingering scent that was left on the bedsheets. And when she felt that she had smelled enough of his scent, her mind became relaxed as she dialed his number.

Liu Longwei, who was currently in the bedroom fiddling with their wedding ring box, immediately picked up his phone when he heard it ring.