Are you satisfied?.

"Did you just call me, 'sweet little boy'?" Liu Longwei asked in surprise, not sure if he heard clearly. Or maybe it's was not actually his wife that said that to him with her mouth because the wife he married didn't look like she would one day call him that.

"Mmmmm. You are next" Chen Lihua said as she admired the beautiful henna design on the back of her hands.

Liu Longwei glimpsed at her hands and saw an initial 'LL', so he asked, "what is that?" not quite sure if what he had in mind, was actually what it truly was.

"Oh! It's your initials. Now that I have written your name on my palm, you will have to reciprocate," Chen Lihua said while glancing at him.

"That won't be a problem at all," Liu Longwei replied with a smile as he suddenly pulled off his polo to reveal his built chest muscles.

What a drool-worthy sight to behold?