A troubled heart.

Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei traveled to one more country before they finally called it 'the end of their honeymoon'.

Their honeymoon may have been short, but it was quite well spent.

At the thought of going back home, Liu Longwei began to have a headache.

Chen Lihua still wasn't aware that her father was alive, and that he even had a press conference while she was away.

Looking at the timing of the press conference, it's undeniable that it was done on purpose so that she wouldn't be around to cause trouble.

They were truly avoiding her troubles.

Liu Longwei was at a loss of what to do. He couldn't delete the news feed because he didn't have the right to, and neither could he stop the public from talking about it.

His wife's temper was like a ticking time bomb. He never knows when it will explode.

"Are you alright?" Chen Lihua asked the man that was spacing out.