Making her intentions known.

"See how you were just wasting your time. Had it been you went straight to the point from the beginning, you would have long been licking your fingers after having a bite from the sweets," Lady Chen said before giving one of the sweets to him.

Chen K happily took it from her and gobbles it down his throat.

After relishing the delicious taste of the sweet in his mouth, he gave Lady Chen a thumbs up.

"Ju Ju, you are indeed a good chef, and am sure our daughter would love this."

"Thank you, and that's why we have to hurry up now that the sweets are still hot," Lady Chen said while packaging the sweets in a flask.

As for Chen Lihua whom they had been doing all these for, she just woke up from sleep only to hear familiar music, playing on the CMS (Central music system). An Indian song was playing.

"Where did Longwei get this from?" Chen Lihua asked herself as her heart lightened up in happiness.