In need of a blood transfusion.

Hearing her son's voice which she hadn't heard for the past few days, the old lady became more emotional as she cried on while explaining the situation to him.

"Alright mother, stop crying. I will be there before you know it," he consoled his mother before preparing to rush down to the hospital.

If it were any other day, he would have neither listened to his mother, not believed her, because he knew her too well.

She was capable of coming up with tons of excuses, just to get what she wants.

But from his mother's voice, he could tell that there was sincerity in it. So he has to hurry down to the hospital.

At the very least, the person that was being hospitalized is his son. So if it's for anything, it was because he is his own flesh and blood, and he truly cared about him.

"Mother, what did he say?" the woman asked her mother-in-law a little enthusiastically.

"He is on his way," the old lady answered as she wiped her tears.