Three-sixty degree turnaround.

And as she was trying to take a breather from the first problem, the more difficult and deadly one came over.

And this time around, there was no solution to it; she was definitely finished this time!

"He is your son!" the old lady insisted while staring between her son and her daughter-in-law.

She glanced at her daughter-in-law with the look that read, 'say something.'

The man followed his mother's look to his wife. Then he gave her a fierce gaze.

The woman shivered in fear. She was already standing close to the pit she had dug for herself. All that was left was for her to jump into it. There was no way she could be saved unless she died before jumping into the pit because if she remains alive, it wouldn't be favorable for her. She would have preferred that she died of a heart attack with her heart that was already hurting from beating too fast, rather than staying alive to her unknown fate in her husband's hands.