Chen Lihua takes up a challenge.

Hand in hand, the two went to Mall to get some gifts and then branched into a massage parlor.

They were attended to by males and females.

This couple knew what they wanted.

Chen Lihua felt so light and free after the massage. She made a mental note to come to the massage parlor when she had the chance or even request a home service.

Liu Longwei wanted to tell her that there was no need to go out to do some things or buy some things because he had money and power to get all those things done.

But he refrained from saying it on seeing how happy his wife was for stepping out from the house.

That idea immediately left his head because that suggestion would look like he wanted to lock her up in the house and not let her see the world again.

Back home, they had lunch before they went into the game room.

"What kind of game do you want to play? Chess, video games, pool, darts, bowling.....?" Liu Longwei asked.