New friends.

In less than twenty seconds, Liu Longwei gave the underling a look as he asked in a dangerous tone that was hard to detect, "Are you sure you really can't see anything?"

The underling was scared to give a negative response because his Top Boss, Liu Longwei didn't look like he would agree to his negative response. He might even get fired in the process.

He couldn't even lie because it would cost him his life, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut because Liu Longwei asked him a question.

So he had to make a choice. He chose to say the truth, but in a meek voice because he was scared of the wrath that would befall him.

"I can't see anything, Sir."

"Very good," Liu Longwei replied and turned to AD to say, "I can see how good you are in training them."

AD was speechless. Not knowing what to say, he turned to the underling and gave him a death glare, which meant that the scores would be settled later.