You think I'm crazy?

Just then, a woman in her late fifties walked in. She smiled, and greeted them as she introduced herself to Chen Lihua, replying to her question in the process.

"I am Dr Li, a psychiatrist at the First City Hospital."

Hearing the doctor introduce herself as a psychiatrist, Chen Lihua immediately glanced at Liu Longwei in surprise, as if to ask what a psychiatrist was doing in their house.

"Swetheart, Dr. Li will help you solve the psychological trauma you have." Liu Longwei said to her in a peaceable manner. But who knew that Chen Lihua was not in the mood to care about his manner of approach.

"You think I'm crazy?." Chen Lihua asked, flaring up in the process.

"Sweetheart, I didn't say that. I only want you to see Dr Lin because you need help." Liu Longwei said.

"I need help, in what way actually?!." Chen Lihua asked angrily as she stood to her feet.