This is my husband

She threw up on her hands and the floor before she managed to reach the sink before throwing up the rest in there.

Liu Longwei could only watch on helplessly as she wretched her guts out.

The several times he tried getting answers from her, and if eyes could kill, Chen Lihua would have sent him to his early grave.

The glare she gave him seemed to ask, 'How do you expect me to answer you in this condition?.'

Liu Longwei could only shut up and help her to relax by rubbing her back.

After what seemed like days when it was just a few minutes that passed, Chen Lihua finally stopped throwing up. But because she lacked strength, she had to lean on the basin for support.

Liu Longwei supported her when he saw that she couldn't stand on her own.

Chen Lihua rinsed her mouth, and because she wasn't wearing any makeup, she splashed some water on her face.