Liu Huang's promise to Liu Longwei

"What kind of drugs, and what else does she buy from them?." Chen Lihua inquired further.

"She buys contraceptives and condoms from them. Today, she bought a pack of condoms." K2 replied in a low but firm voice.

Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei glanced at each other without saying anything, but they communicated with their eyes.

At last, Liu Longwei instructed them to leave the place.

Throughout the journey back to their house, Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei didn't mention the topic again. They only talked about their child.

When they arrived home, each was busy with phone calls. 

Chen Lihua phoned the doctor to ask some questions concerning the drugs, and also tell her the new symptoms she is experiencing, like nausea and vomiting that happened today.

While on their other hand, Liu Longwei went to the study to phone his father.