Can't stand being embarrased

"Aunt, be safe. And I hope you come back just in time to see my baby being born." Chen Lihua said with a lovely smile on her face, as her dimples appeared, stunning everyone.

"I will make it in time." Aunt Lin assured as she hugged her one more time before going to say goodbye to the others. 

Changying cried as she hugged her mother, she suddenly didn't want her mother to leave her alone in the country, she wanted to follow her. But she had to be strong, for herself, and her sick mother.

Aunt Lin hugged her daughter for what seemed like ages before she let her go after giving her words of encouragement.

"Mum, I love you," Changying confessed as she wiped her tears away and glanced at her mother.

"I love you too my darling..... take care." Aunt Lin said and immediately walked away as if she was being chased.

But she did that so that nobody would see the tears that were on the brink of rolling down her cheeks.