Pregnancy at sixteen weeks

"Our baby can hear us talk now. So we can talk and sing some lullaby to her, and she will hear us." Chen Lihua revealed happily.

She couldn't hide the joy in her heart.

"That's great news! I will download some songs, so the three of us can listen to it together." Liu Longwei said in response.

He was happy to learn about this new development of their baby. But then he asked, "You said she? Are we having a girl?." 

"Oh, not that. I just had to use a pronoun since I didn't want to refer to our baby as 'it'." Chen Lihua explained.

"Okay. We will talk about the baby later, I have an important video conference. Just give me a few hours and I will be through." Liu Longwei requested as he pointed at his laptop screen, and it was then that Chen Lihua noticed the footage on the laptop screen.

"OMG! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were busy. I will see you later, bye." Chen Lihua said as she immediately went away, without waiting for him to say anything.