Some plots to come up with

"What?! Father has been cheating on mother for such a long time?!." Liu Liwei looked quite shocked on getting the whole gist.

"Now you see why locked him up." Liu Longwei said as he drank from his wine glass.

"I never knew father could be this shameless, he even tried to escape." Liu Liwei said in a shocked tone.

There was a minute silence as Liu Liwei allowed the information he got to sink into his head.

"What about mum, what should we say to her?." Liu Liwei asked.

"Don't tell her anything, she doesn't need to know." Liu Longwei said.

"Won't this be us betraying her as well? She deserves to know about her husband's unfaithfulness, it would be so unfair to leave her in the dark, and acting as if everything is fine." Liu Liwei said in an agitated tone.

"Mother has a weak heart, she will not be able to take this news. She has trusted father for so many years, this news will wreck her." Liu Longwei reminded.