What am I here for?

After the meal, Chen Lihua took her to a hotel and booked a room.

She went into the room with her and QB, some of the bodyguards waited right outside the door, and some scouted the surroundings.

"Chynna, you can freshen up while she gets you something nice to pit on." Chen Lihua said to her friend after she passed her card to QB.

"But Ma'am, Boss said we shouldn't leave you by yourself." QB said with a worried look on her face as she took the card.

"Don't worry, I will be fine. I can't send the guys to buy some female clothes for me, that will be inappropriate. And besides, the hotel has a little clothing store, so you won't be gone for a long while." Chen Lihua said as she sat on the couch.

QB bowed before leaving the room reluctantly.

Outside the door, she motioned for K2 who was standing outside the door to watch out their Mistress.

"Are they scared that I would hurt you?. Chynna asked.