Baby shopping

Liu Longwei smiled as he hugged her.

"Darling, my back is aching, can you massage it for me?." Chen Lihua asked as she gave him that dreamy look.

"Of course I will." Liu Longwei said as he said switched position with her.

Since Chen Lihua had an obvious baby bump, she couldn't lie on her abdomen, so she had to lie on her side.

Liu Longwei took his time and gave her a relaxing massage. He massages her back for an hour before moving to her feet.

While massaging her feet, she slept off. Liu Longwei chuckled as he watched her sleep like a child.

He took a pillow and put it in between her knees to support the weight of the baby bump.

Next, he covered her with the duvet after making sure the humidifier was in place.

It was summer, and the weather was hot. But the AC was on, so Liu Longwei thought she would catch a cold in no time.