Two Paintings for a gift

During time for dinner, Liu Dongmei was nowhere to be seen.

"Since today, I don't think I've taken a good look at Sister Mei, where did you go to?." Chen Lihua asked curiously.

"She's has been working on something since this evening. Don't worry, she will have her dinner later." Liu Huiling said.

"Oh!." Chen Lihua replied with her gaze somewhere else. Then, she continued eating.

After dinner, she made her way in search of Liu Dongmei, but Liu Huiling stopped her.

"Lihua, you don't need to go and find Dongmei. She wouldn't let anyone come near her work areas so don't bother going there."

"Really? Is what she is working on, very important?." Chen Lihua asked with doubt written all over her face.

Liu Huiling saw the doubt on her face, but that wouldn't make her let her get to the veranda, that would ruin the surprise Liu Dongmei was preparing for her, she wouldn't allow that.