Changying comes bearing gifts

Few days after Liu Huiling traveled, Changying, Chen Lihua's cousin called her to know how she was faring.

After speaking on the phone with her, Changying promised to come visiting the next day, and she did come by.

Chen Lihua was sitting close to the pool when she came by.

"I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?." Chen Lihua asked as they hugged each other.

Changying laid on the beach chair with a smile on her face.

"I've been very busy with the company and stores. We are preparing to lunch a new clothing line this summer season." Changying revealed.

"Wow! That's big news. I would have been there to help you with publicity, but the baby is on the way. But I can still help with media publicity, I hope that's okay?." Chen Lihua asked.

"You don't need to trouble yourself, I'm fine. You just need to live a carefree life these few days as the baby would be arriving soon." Changying said with a smile on her face.