A miracle!

The doctor cleaned the baby up a little,  before handing him over to one of the nurses.

"Clean him up quickly and cloth him, his mother needs to hold him in her arms. Check his weight first, and record it with the time of his birth." The doctor said to the nurse.

"Mrs. Liu, do not remove your hands from your abdomen till I tell you to. And also, push when I tell you to." The doctor instructed Chen Lihua.

After Chen Lihua, delivered her son, the doctor instructed her to press onto her abdomen to prevent blood from going to her heart.

"Is the magnesium sulfate ready?." The doctor asked the other nurse who has been keeping an eye on Chen Lihua's blood pressure and heart rate.

The doctor asked this question as she instructed Chen Lihua to push out the placenta when she felt a contraction.

"Doctor, I don't think she needs to take the shot." The nurse said as she glanced at the monitor.

"Why is that?." The doctor asked.