He missed being inside her...

"I'm doing a great job?." A low and deep male voice asked as the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard.

Chen Lihua and Lady Chen looked up when they heard his voice.

"Of course you are..." Lady Chen replied with a smile. She was very proud of having a son-in-law like Liu Longwei.

"Thank you, Mum." Liu Longwei said before sitting beside Chen Lihua.

Hearing the sound of the chair being pulled, the baby in Chen Lihua's arms opened his eyes, and it coincidentally met his father's.

"Liu Wei, I thought you were sleeping?." Liu Longwei asked in surprise.

The next moment, his son smiled at him and continued sucking.

"This little guy knows his name already. He's growing up quickly." Liu Longwei commented as a smile rested on their faces.

"Let me hold him so you can eat well." Liu Longwei suggested.