Stuck With Him

Chen Lihua's two mothers along with her two sisters-in-law stayed back.

Late last month, Liu Huiling had traveled with her kids. But she was back now.

At night, Chen Lihua slept peacefully while Liu Longwei looked after their son.

When his cries got loud, he had to take him to his bedroom, allowing his wife to enjoy a peaceful night's rest.

When Chen Lihua woke up in the morning, she discovered she was all alone. So she washed up before going to Liu Longwei's bedroom to look for the two guys in her life.

But she was surprised because she didn't expect to see anyone there. So she went downstairs to find them, only to be told that they hadn't seen them.

There could only be two more places to find them since he wasn't seen downstairs. It was the gym or the study.

Sure enough, She saw the guys in the gym room. Her little guy was in his baby carrier, watching her big guy workout.