Aunt Lin is back

The driver ignited the car once again. At first, Chen Weiyuan thought he wanted to drive backward, but he was wrong, he wanted to run him over, so he moved out of the way in fright.

But then, the car suddenly came to a halt. Lady Chen rolled down the car window and said to him.

"Are you not getting in?!."

Weiyuan has to quickly get over the shock as he hurriedly enters the car.

"Mum, I'm..." He started to say, but Lady Chen waved her hand, so he shut up. 

The driver quickly drove away from the mall.

A few seconds later, he picked up his phone and logged into the site to book a flight for his mother. He deliberately lowered his phone, so Lady Chen can take a peek at what he was doing.

His plans worked, because Lady Chen glanced at his phone through her peripheral view, then she looked away almost immediately, pretending not to have seen anything.