No difference having a bath or *** with him

"You really want a daughter?." Chen Lihua asked, interested in his response.

"Yes, and I hope you give me one soon." Liu Longwei finished saying as he unzipped her dress.

"Okay, I will give you one." Chen Lihua said to him with a smile.

"Really?." Liu Longwei asked with a smile as he released her from the hug and gazed into her eyes.

"Yeah." Chen Lihua replied as she watched the smile on his face bloom.

Liu Longwei didn't say anything, and instead, lowered his face kiss her lips. Their tongues entangled with each other as they danced to one tone.

Slowly, Liu Longwei pushed her dress easy from her shoulders, as it came sliding down to her legs.

As their kisses became heated, they shut their eyes and allowed their tongues to explore each other's mouths.

While caressing her back, Liu Longwei's fingers reached out to unhook her bra, before dropping it on the floor.