Why won't you give me more?

Chen Lihua chuckled softly. "You can always share, just like you did with Taio." Chen Lihua suggested as she raised her hands before moving it back to caress his face.

"No, how shameless can I be to snatch my little Princess's food? what would she think of me? Maybe that is the reason Taio likes to get closer to you than to me." Liu Longwei said in a tone filled with jealousy.

"Yeah right, who knows?." Chen Lihua said as she chuckled softly. "Maybe he really remembers that you used to fight over his mill with him, so he doesn't want to hang around a shameless person." 

"You are having fun with all of these right?." Liu Longwei asked as he pinched her nipples.

"Aww. that hurts." Chen Lihua said as she hissed in pain. Then she stopped caressing his face as she sent him a glare.

"I'm sorry, let me blow on it." Liu Longwei said as he came to kneel before her. 

Chen Lihua wanted to see what he was up to, so she didn't stop him.