Time to return calls

"Okay, I give up. Darling, can you let me go now?." She asked as she tried to struggle with him, but he locked her body tightly.

"Oh! now you know I am your Darling? If you continue to move, I can't promise you that I will let you go." Liu Longwei whispered to her ears.

Now it was Chen Lihua's turn to stiffen. She could feel the hard stuff that was pressing on her butts, and of course, she knew what it was. It was the stuff that causes her to scream in pleasure as directed by its owner.

Chen Lihua obediently kept calm and stopped struggling in his embrace.

Liu Longwei was finding everything funny. Look at his cute wife that was now lying obediently in his embrace.

"Now tell me the truth, who's your body do you prefer?." He whispered to her ear as he threatened her silently.

He pressed his hard her butt and continued to kiss her neck and earlobe.