Last Mission before the punishment

When the Russian drug lord was done playing with the girls, he came out from the pool, and one of the bodyguards standing at the pool area walked towards him and whispered some words to him.

He glanced at the corridor leading into the house and nodded, then he waved his hand, and a robe. was brought forth to cover his body.

After wiping the water off his hair to an extent, he walked into the house with the two of the bodyguards that have been at his side.

The drug lord walked into his primary office where Nick and the scar-faced man has been waiting for him.

Sitting down on the comfortable swivel chair, he looked at the scar-faced man who was standing before him.

He stared at him for a few more minutes. That stare made the scar-faced man nervous.

A cigar 🚬 was lit and brought to the man, and he put the stuff in his mouth and smoked for a bit, then a whiskey was poured into a glass cup 🥃 and brought to him.